Trudging is one of those words that I thought I knew and understood but had some sort of spiritual experience where I could really see later...
I used to envision when they said in the Big Book " you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny" that they were pointing to the dreary effort that I presumed a life without booze would be. Think of the feeling 3/4 way up a 7.5 mile hike up a 14er peak in Colorado - you're tired, sore, hating every step, wishing you were in better shape, not noticing the gorgeous surroundings, just wishing it were "over". Indeed, most common definitions of trudge today are something around a "weary, heavy walk...".
However, I was at a party a few years ago and we were looking through our dictionary which was published in 1939 and we came up with a different definition of: "to walk deliberately or with strong intention" (sorry, can't find the dictionary now to get it exactly right...).
Suddenly, I saw the reference in the Big Book (and what I'm to be about in my life) in a whole different light. I'm simply to make progress toward a spirit-led life with a mindful intention.
So, today my life is about "trudging". I find myself fighting myself in the struggle to "improve" myself - eat better, get more exercise, make more money - pick anything to look at and I'm struggling.
The answer to the struggle is to stop struggling and ask God for the grace to do what's next. So far, God's been faithful. Yet, I struggle.
So, as I float this article out into the blogosphere, it goes with the prayer that, for today, I can be the best I can be, that I learn what there is to learn and that God will find use and purpose for me that I may not see for myself.
Keep on trudging...
he was pretty broken up about his relapse
7 years ago
Ed thank you for such insightful comment on my blog.,,and for visiting. To let you know, I was pretty well healed in one day, with 3 meetings, some Emails, support in lots of caring comments, and a telephone conversation Sunday evening with a wonderful "favorite blogger" friend in Colorado. If you're from CO, where do you live near to? (Good English!) if you wish to Email.
On "Trudge the road to happy destiny"...for years I have tried and usually failed, to convince people that "Trudge" had nothing to do with the meaning of "GRUDGE", and merely meant "to walk"...not run!
Thank you for reminding me, and giving a validity to what I heard years ago.
Steve E.
Double Dipping--
Sorry 'bout that. One more thing, Ed. If that's your real photo, I'd like to meet you. And if that's NOT your real photo I'd like to meet you. About a year-an-a-half I'll be in Montrose, Gunnison and mainly Powderhorn, CO.
Which part of the Front Range do you live near? If up to me I'd fly from Gunnison...LOVE to fly over the mts. in that 'Piper Cub'! Also driving over is GREAT, but takes time, man.
At my age, ya gotta 'think ahead' or you stand still...even if it's only fantasizing. (Which it ain't.)
Steve E.
That is terrific! I love that defination as applied to that statement. Makes perfect sense.
Thanks, Ed.
Ed, I see you have met might consider going to Dacsboard, Settings, comment,Comment Moderation, click "always" and you're in business.
You then will receive an Email with every new comment, allowing you to Publish...or Reject, etc. OK? To bad this is necessary, but hey, no big deal!
Steve E.
Yep - thought I could automate it away (the whole spam blocking thing) somehow but have to learn more before then.
Now, I just wish I could get him out of my meetings...
;-) Not really - you KNOW I'm all about love and tolerance ;-)
Ah yes,principles before personalities.
To march steadily forward
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