Saturday, March 28, 2009

AA Service

I spent the day at an AA service meeting.

In general, I love these meetings because:
  1. I find people as passionate about AA as I am
  2. I believe our 3rd legacy of service is important and I find this is an area where I can be useful in my life
  3. I get to practice principles in new ways that force me to grow
Someone went to the microphone today and said (over an issue I was invested - had put much time and thought into) - "...given that we know these people have not told the truth to this body in the past..." and went on to state his position.

I just felt sad...

It wasn't that I thought I was right and he was wrong (I may well be wrong on this issue, but I don't think so and I didn't intentionally or even inadvertently lie in any form that I know of...), it was that he, someone I would have called a close friend, attacked me...

I went through several thoughts and emotions before I got to the fact that I was just sad, but it still hurt.

I know the process and will eventually have a conversation with this guy, but it's just what I had to share for today...

I be different later...



Mary Christine said...

It's all the more difficult to be hurt by a friend.

Scott W said...

Sounds to me you have reached a calm, accepting level of honesty in this matter. That is quite a feat.

Syd said...

Ed, I'm sorry for what your friend said. I'm sorry that people can't just discuss these things one on one without trotting out their crap sprayer and letting the whole group have it. It sounds as if you are processing this. That's good.