Friday, July 24, 2009

Philip 3 ...

I have a general way that I sponsor people. Everyone is different and I trust my gut but we generally get together and read through the book. We take it slow and do what they did so that we can get what they got.

now has 40 days. It's a miracle and proof of the power of AA and the grace of a willing heart. God is good.

But I've struggled with him.

Usually, I have my guys come to my house and we read for an hour or 2 at a time - usually about once a week - sometimes more often if we can find the time.

Philip is still locked up and, although he can go most anywhere on passes, he's constrained by buses and times and places he can go. So, we've been doing the best we can on the phone and with brief meetings in public places. His God seems to be up to the task as he's the 1st real eager, genuinely enthusiastic one that I've had in a while (I usually seem to get the ones who've been around for a while.

It seems like he's really "getting it".

What a blessing...


steveroni said...

Getting "it", what is "it" again? -grin.

I figure it's like..."Depends on what the meaning of 'is' is..."

It IS a wonderful feeling that I am working with God, when someone DOES seem to get "it"!!!


Carol said...

Yes, even when we have to rachette it down, we are still blessed and have work to do, and we can do it!

dAAve said...

I hope he maintains that passion when he gets out of jail.

Scott W said...

Sounds like he is a real blessing in your life.

Mary Christine said...

Amazing the adjustments that just seem to work out when a person is willing.

Syd said...

I'm glad that you and he are working the steps. And that he is getting it. All anyone can ask is that he works the program one day at a time.