Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Philip 2 ...

So far (2 weeks today), Philip, the drunk that was delivered to me from detox has been a stellar example of someone who expresses willingness. He's called me every day (sometimes several times to reach me since he can call out and I can't reach him by calling in). He was delivered to and from a coffee shop to start into the steps, delivered to my home group on Saturday - he's doing the deal like his life depends on it.

But, consequences can be a bitch.

He has stomach ulcers and a hole in his stomach (isn't that what stomach ulcers are - holes?) that are going to require surgery soon. There's no question that his health problems are a direct result of his drinking habits.

Yet, he's already seen how major discomfort and life threatening illness is not enough to stop the idea of drinking - even given the most seemingly trivial excuse for drinking (his feelings were hurt...).

I realize that, by comparison, I don't have any problems today.

I am one seriously blessed dude...


Syd said...

At first I thought that was a sea anemone but then after reading the post, I see that it must be an ulcer with the stomach villi around the hole. Nasty looking thing. I'm glad that you are working with Philip. I hope that he stays the course.

dAAve said...

I see and feel those things just about every day.

Gin said...

I'm glad you are there for him. I hope he continues to do well.

Mary Christine said...

That is one seriously gross photo.

Scott W said...

Seriously blessed...yep!