Does anyone else spend all day thinking of topics you could write a blog article about and then sit down and not remember any of those things?
I thought so...
The old adage of March coming " like a a lamb, out like a lion..." (or visa-versa) seems to be false for us this year as it's been remarkably lamb-like at both ends of this month here. Weird some in the middle, but definitely mild at both ends.
Granted, we had a little breeze yesterday (in my little community, we call anything less than a sustained 30 mph gale a breeze), but we're wonderfully mild again this morning.
Don't worry - this is not a weather blog.
I was just wondering how often this phrase we've all heard is true in fact? As an engineer/scientist, I think I can appreciate how little direct effect the weather on one end of a month has on the other end of a month. Probably, this "belief" in lions and lambs comes from the level of variability that happens in March. Last week we had a foot of snow (no exaggeration) and today we're having 70 degrees and sunny skies.
But yet, I found myself expecting harsh weather at the end of the month since it was mild 4 weeks ago.
I suppose this is the most minor of "old ideas" that I am challenged to let go of. I clearly know that it has no likely basis in fact, but it's still what I heard from my grade school teachers (the ultimate authorities of all things true). But, even though we got lambs on both ends of the month this year, I will probably be among the first to recite the lion/lamb balance next year.
I wonder how many other "old ideas" I hang on to?
"I will die poor and alone." "My life means nothing." "Everybody else gets what they want, I can't have what I need." "I just need to try harder."
A few...
But then, next year it could be true that March will...
he was pretty broken up about his relapse
8 years ago