So, we had 12 inches of snow on Friday, 65 degrees yesterday (the snow's mostly gone), and we're likely back to more snow tomorrow.
We're going to ignore all that looks like leaves and trash around the pretty posies in the picture, right?
As Mary writes of fall as relief for the oppressive summer, I keep trying to find a toe-hold of optimism in spring. And then, the weather fails us again. That whole circle-of-life thingy just doesn't seem to do it (provide the answer and solution I need/want), some days.
I think that's why I'm encouraged to place my faith, belief, trust in something that is bigger than all the circumstances in my life. Bigger than my family. Bigger than my job and the relationships I have. Bigger than the politics, society and culture in my land. Bigger than the weather.
Today, with any luck at all, I will have a chance to grow that faith.
he was pretty broken up about his relapse
8 years ago
Wow, a foot of snow. I was feeling a little "woe is me" for the dusting that we got here in Chicago over the weekend. Oh well, I guess I can be grateful for precipitation is all it's forms! Have a good one!!
I know I'm down when... I look at spring's glory and feel only bitter and betrayed. I know spring will be short-lived, and then summer will whizz by, and then we'll be back at winter again. So I get this post. Let me know how the faith-growing goes. :)
I actually didn't even notice the leaves and the trash until you mentioned it. What I saw was the beauty of the posies. After looking at the other, I can see how it adds dimension to the photo. Proof positive that I'm seeing things differently today. Thank you for bringing THAT to my attention!
I am experiencing the same type of weather here, too. It makes me feel a little better to know that, like me, nature doesn't make much sense at times! Many blessings!
Spring is here,even though the temperatures are cooler today. I hate spending time inside but my headache has done that today. Now, I'm going to take a shower and salvage something of this day.
For once in Wisconsin the snow is gone in March. Temp. in the fifties and sunny. Birds singing, trees budding. However like you said, no control over the weather and we'll have snow again I'm sure. But it will be brief and beautiful! Stay Optimistic!
Even outside of nature, I see "my" room just cluttered so it looks like the aftermath of a bombing...And yrt I see nothing but beauty. Hey is that procrastination or sloth? Probably BOTH!
Sur Love your blogs, Ed G.
Went back to that old one re anonymity. Wow, wish I had read that 30-some years ago! Oh well, every is living who is supposed to, I guess
I hope your spring comes soon Ed. And we do need to place our faith in something greater than ourselves and our limited perceptions of life.
I am glad you have placed your faith in something other than weather. Because she has betrayed us again.
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