Life has been presenting me some challenges/opportunities (are they the same thing?) that have gotten in the way of my writing regular blog articles the past few days. I can't say that they've even consumed all the time I could have written, but, well, it's just not been possible for this person to get an article out every day the past few days.
I hope/plan to get back to writing regularly in a few days.
Since I was sick before, I just wanted to let those that care know that is not what this is about - I'm healthy enough but am thoroughly distracted right now.
It's probably no accident that this patch of my life has come up close to my anniversary of starting this blog (last March). As I remember, the thought I had at the time is that I would try this for a year and, if it (the blog and the efforts to create it) were useful, I would continue.
My inclination is that blogging will remain a part of my life for the foreseeable future (for me, foreseeable might be today or tomorrow but I generally make commitments in annual increments, at least). As to the form or if I will have the luxury of continuing blogging at least 3-5 times a week, that is all up in the air for now.
Anyway, I miss it (a lot!) when I can't write up anything and I miss it even more when I can't comment on the articles of those of you whom I have come to care much about. I plan to explain more about what my thoughts are when they are more fully developed in a few days/weeks/months.
As to the details of the challenges - it's all just bound up in the drama of the disease and my life. I'm sure there will be material for several articles when we get around to it in a few days.
Until then, I wish us all God's best.
he was pretty broken up about his relapse
8 years ago